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2018 AURCO Journal

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Table of Contents


Refereed Papers

Susan A. Baim, Miami University Middletown
Building Proactive Student Interactions Online Through an Interactive Course Wiki: A Pilot Study


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Amy E. Beumer, University of Cincinnati Blue Ash
Effectiveness of modified team-based learning in the introductory biology classroom of a two-year, open access college


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J.A. Carter, Seelie DeCresce-Carter, Jessica J. Warner, Miami University Hamilton
Accessing Sexual Health Resources: An Analysis of the Ease-of-Access of Sexual Health Resources on Ohio Regional Campus Websites and Social Media


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Jordan Crabbe, University of Cincinnati Blue Ash
Preparing the Underprepared Students for Success


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Susan Dowell, Christy Vickers, Sheryl House, Ohio University Zanesville
Implementing a Successful Student-Led International Service-Learning Experience


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Matthew J. Fox, Ohio University Zanesville
Using High-fidelity Simulation as a Teaching Tool to Enhance Undergraduate Nursing Students Understanding, Recognition, and Communication in Critical Patient Situations


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Patricia Goedl, University of Cincinnati Clermont
Pilot Study of the Effectiveness of an Enterprise Instructor-Driven Student Intervention System on Student Retention


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Dave D. Hochstein, Wright State Lake
The Effects Of Course Type and Participant Characteristics on College Students’ Studying Time


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Tracey K. Hoffman, Jane Lance, Miami Middletown
Developing and Implementing a Prekindergarten Associate Degree Program Online to Meet the Needs of Non-traditional Students


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Subbu Kumarappan, The Ohio State University Agricultural Technical Institute
Why Improv is better than Textbook Roleplays in business classrooms?


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Krista E. Wood, University of Cincinnati Blue Ash Kathleen Koenig, University of Cincinnati Lei Bao, Ohio State University Lindsay Owens, Rochester Institute of Technology
Development of Student Abilities in Control of Variables at a Two-Year College


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Book Review

Renate W. Prescott, Kent State University at Geauga
Teaching With Your Mouth Shut
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