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2014 AURCO Journal

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Table of Contents


Refereed Papers

Champike Attanayake, Miami University Middletown
Short-Term Service-Learning in an Introductory Mathematics Course


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Gordon J. Aubrecht, II, Ohio State University Marion
From Spontaneous Symmetry Discovery Breaking Into the Higgs


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Gordon J. Aubrecht, II, Ohio State University Marion Eleanor C. Sayre, Kansas State University, Manhattan
Newton’s Third Law in Middle School


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Nicole Blau and Candice E. Thomas-Maddox, Ohio University Lancaster
Are They Really That Different? Comparing Nontraditional versus Traditional Students’ Motives for Communicating with Instructors


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Sarah E. Cummins-Sebree and Eliah White, University of Cincinnati Blue Ash College
Using the Flipped Classroom Design: Student Impressions and Lessons Learned


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Debra L. Frame, University of Cincinnati Blue Ash
Wiki Fever! Building a Collaborative Exam Study Guide to Promote Student Success in the College Classroom


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Terry L. Hapney, Jr., Marshall University David Lucas, Ohio University Southern
Open Records Requests At State Universities in Ohio: The Law, Legalities, and Litigation


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Michele D. Kegley, University of Cincinnati Blue Ash
Debating as a Team Learning Strategy in an Economics Classroom


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Janice Rye Kinghorn, Miami University, Middletown
The New Digital Divide: Peer Collaboration as a Bridge


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David M. Lucas, Ohio University Southern
Layers of Meaning and Message: Pragmatic Models in Mediating an Industrial Meta Code, Mexican Spanish and Middle English in a Manufacturing Move


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Bradford P. Mallory, Daniella J. Fisher, Ann R. Witham, and Amy D. Gultice, University of Cincinnati Blue Ash
With A Little Help From My Friends: How Faculty Peer Review Can Transform Mediocre Teaching Methods into Powerful Learning Experiences


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James R. McKean, Ohio University Chillicothe
Using Institutional Data in Curricular Decision Making


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Lydia Rose, Kent State University East Liverpool Tim Hibsman, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Lurking, Spying, and Policing: Practical Strategies to Enhancing Engagement and Collaboration in Virtual Group Work


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Rick C. Shriver, Ohio Ohio University Zanesville
Assessing the Effectiveness of Radio Advertising for Reaching Teen College Prospects


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Patricia L. Tomich and Jannifer R. Moyer, Kent State University Trumbull
A Pilot Feasibility Study: A Novel Approach to Assess Posttraumatic Growth


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Rachael Volokhov, Kent State University Salem
Differences in Study Skills Knowledge between Traditional and Nontraditional Students


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