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2007 AURCO Journal

Journal Logo


Table of Contents


Edditor’s Commentary

Jeffrey C. Bauer

Refereed Papers

Patricia Antonelli and Nashieli Marcano Bowling Green—Firelands
Classroom or Online? A Comparison of Learning Venues for Information Literacy



Joseph Cavanaugh Wright State University—Lake
AURCO 2006 How Do We Compare? Branch and Main Campuses



Chen Ferguson Miami University—Hamilton
The Teaching Journey – A Perspective from a Mid-Career Switcher to Academia



Kenneth R. Collins Ohio University—Zanesville
Reflections on a Service-Learning Project in a Two-Year Program



Parthasarathy Rajagopal Kent State University—Stark 
Teaching Statistics with Official Statistics in Regional Campuses



Stacie L. Sweet and Pamela S. Sealover Ohio University—Zanesville
The Affect of Decreased Classroom Time on Course Outcomes



S Deborah Themudo, Deborah Page, and Ruth Benander University of Cincinnati—Raymond Walters
Student and Faculty Perceptions of the Impact of Study Abroad on Language Acquisition, Culture Shock, and Personal Growth



Julie E. Yonker, Sarah Cummins-Sebree, Jennifer Marshall, and Robert Zai III University of Cincinnati—Raymond Walters
Hit the Books: Student and Instructor Surveys for Psychology Textbook Selection, Fine-Tuning the Process



Student Essay

Pamela E. Mohon Ohio State University—Marion
My Yerma Writes Herself: A French Feminist Reading of Lorca’s Yerma